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Astrology software sites:
Hellenistic Astrology Software from Zoidiasoft
Kairon - Mac Astrology Software
Astrology Program ZET by Anatoly Zaytsev

Astrology software

Astrology Software

Urania is Professional Astrological Program for Everyone

Urania offers broad range of astrological techniques, among them are synastry concentric charts up to 5 wheels, multiple composite up to 25 natal charts, broad range of transit and progress lists, comparison progressed lists, graphical bar transit lists 'in-orb period', astrocartography and cyclocartography with planets on asc and/or on horizon, aspect figures predefined figure set and advanced filter 'all figures', widest selection of house systems and exact house charts in many systems, widest range of objects that can be placed easily on wheel and in aspect grid, tabular ephemerides for a month that can include any set of 13 chosen objects, Jonas cycle dates, easy to learn industry standard menu driven graphical interface.

Latest news and downloads

Urania Trial v.1.142 (licence valid until March 30th, 2025) + freeware Lite 1.93

(published 2024-12-22):
- trial extension


Single .exe file installer Urania 1.142 Trial (size: ~30.4 MB=31820994 B)

Urania Trial v.1.141 (licence valid until December 21st, 2024) + freeware Lite 1.93

(published 2024-09-14):
- trial extension

Specification page

Astrology chart samples

Version history

Important notes on upgrading to newer version:

Always backup your charts' database before installing newer version of Urania. Before making backup close Urania, then copy subdirectory "Osoby" (subdirectory relative to file Urania.exe) onto CD-ROM, external drive or any other medium of your choice. I also recommend to back up charts' database regularly (like with your routinely scheduled backups).

Note: Install program leaves existing database files unaffected by default but only if the dates are newer than default timestamp (> 1998-04-17). I use BDE (Borland Database Engine) and Paradox ".db" database file format.

After install, but before running software, run "dbconv.exe" to upgrade chart database file format. It is located in the same folder as files "Urania.exe" and "UraniaLt.exe", default path is "C:/AstroSfera/Urania[...]/dbconv.exe", where substitute "[...]" into "Lite" or "Trial" (optionally further expanded with a version number). In older versions default path was "C:\Program Files\AstroSfera\Urania[...]". If "dbconv.exe" frozen during actualising database files or other problems arose, please restart your computer and run "dbconv.exe" before running Urania or any other sofwtare that is using BDE from Borland.

If newer version is installed, and astrology symbols dissapeared, please restart your computer. If this does not help (still there are letter or no symbols instead of astrology symbols), please restart your computer again, and before running software, go to "Control Panel->Fonts" in system, and manullay delete four fonts with names starting as "Uranium...", then manually add all "Uranium" family fonts from directory "C:\AstroSfera\Urania[...]\Fonts\".

Urania runs on linux with Wine and on Mac with Parallels, CrossOver Mac and PlayOnMac.

Keywords: Urania lite download, astrology software, spherical house system, astrology chart.

...and last but not least...
Important Information:
as new versions of Urania's Trial are issued about 3 to 4 times a year, do not copy it to your site. Instead put a link from your site to this page, example in the text box below, but feel free to write your description of the link as you feeel fit well into your site.

Link Sample, for your convenience boxed ready to copy&paste into your page's source html code:

Urania Copyright © 1995-2011 by Bogdan Franciszek Krusinski

Astrology fonts:
Uranium Original and Uranium Visual Copyright © 1999-2001 by Roman Fierfas
Centaurs Copyright © 2006-2012 by Zane Stein (Mr. Chiron)